
Reflections on Balancing Priorities

My wife was irritated about my life style. I had started runnning one month ago, I was too enthuthiastic about running . She felt I think running is more important than her and our child. No kidding! I hadn't thought like that. However, I …

Surgical Challenges with Rat Models

The experiment using rats started. Our team has been researching pulomonary hypertention. We use rats, which are like human pulomonary hypertention by medicine or surgery. I practiced giving oral medicine, and intubation. Rats are smaller …

Good weekend

I met my parents last Saturday. My mother got retired last year, and she joined in several hobby meetings from this year. She was into gardening, and climbing moutaion, singing choras , and so on. On the other hand, my father enjoyed walki…

Gratitude for Maternal Support

My wife and I went out without our daughter. My mother in law came over to help taking care of my daughter, and she watched my daughter while we were going. It has benn for a long time since we went together. I felt a strange without my da…

Enjoyable Running Experience at a Famous Park

I ran for 10km at a park, which is famous for jogging. This park is used for an international marathon game. There is a 2km running road at this park. The running road is very comfortable for running because the road is wide and made up of…

Heat and Running: A Springtime Challenge

My knee is in good condition. I restrated to run 3days ago, my knee doesn't get hurt. I carefully take care of my body by stretching and training my muscles. The distance I ran is getting longer day by day. It is spring season ,but it is h…

Struggle for Wakefulness: Battling Sleep Deprivation

I was very sleepy today. Yesterday I had a night shift last night. I didn't sleep at all, and so I kept drowsy all day. I almost fell asleep, and I tried not to fall asleep during today's meeting. I made many little mistakes during my work…

Driving Challenges: Dealing with Fatigue and Discomfort

I do part time jobs irregurally in some work places. Occasionally, this month there were 4 day within a week. I tried not to use highway to save money. All of the workplace is very far from my house, and so I drived for a long time , about…

Baby Development: Milestones and Concerns

My daughter turned 8 month old today. In general, 8 month old baby can scrawl. However my daughter doesn't have a sign of scrawling. She can get down on all fours. A baby tries to move toward something attractive to her, but she seems inte…

Space Dilemma: Considering an Aero Bike Purchase

What I wanted the most is aero bike. I started to running 2 weeks ago, but my left knee was injured by runnning. I thought the injury was caused by runnning a lot within short terms. I found a video on Youtube saying that aero bike is effi…

Painful Reminder: The Impact of Neglecting Body Care

The most terribile thing happend yesterday. I ran 15km yesterday, and my left leg got injured. While I was runnging, I felt stragne at my left knee a little. Keep Running didn't worse the condition, and so I kept running. However, my left …

Gratitude for Valuable Lessons from Teacher Parents

My senior and I had fun talking about our childhood . We have one thing in common. Our parent's job is a teacher! We were limited for playing a game, or watching TV. I hadn't seen a person who were raised up like me, and I was so surprised…

Mother's Day Reflections

Yesterday was mother's day in Japan. We appreciate our mother's daily work including housework. I ordered my mother some sweets. She called me and we talked for ten minutes by telephone. Her condition wasn't bad, and I told her that I was …


段ボール cardboard box めがねをはずす take off a pair of glasses

Party celebration!

I participated in a party for my boss getting a new post. It was held in Nakasu, and the place was so good because the building was centered on Japanese old culture. I had a chance to speech as a new stuff, I was so nervous. Many people jo…

Cardiac MRI: A Senior Research Experience

I had a cardiac MRI for my senior research. First, I had an cadiac MRI in rest. Second, I had an MRI in pedaling an ergometer 50-60 cycle in a minute. In the MRI, it was little space and so I had hard time pedaling. I had to pedal with adj…

Struggle and Growth: My Experience Without Guidance

I did my job for the first time by myself because my senior was absent by her son's sickness. I was afraid that I could complete my job. I found out that my senior was very important person for me. I thought that I got about my job almost,…

Running with Apple Watch: A Journey of Endurance

Apple watch arrived my house today. I was looking forward to wearing it over the moon. I started running one week ago, and I had hard time checking my pace by smart phone. Apple watch made me easier checking my pace, and it cheered up me. …

Traveling with Family in Yufuin

I traveled to Yufuin for three days. We stayed at my wife's parents house. They were so kind to us, and they prepared delicious food. We were afraid that our daughter, 6 months old, was in bad mood because of changing circumstance, but she…

Rehabilitation Journey: From Knee Injury to Running Again

I jogged for the first time in a while. About ten years ago, I hurt my left knee. Until then, I ran 300 km every month. I went to a orthopedic surgery, diagnosed as iliotibial banditis. I struggled with rehabilitation, yet it didn't worked…

Friendship and Celebrations: A Night Out with Colleagues " Repayment of Crane"

I drunk with my colleague last night. We worked at the same place last year, but we are working at different department. All of them seemed be happy with new life. One of them got a new girlfriend, other will have a baby. We talked from li…

Weight Loss Journey with My Daughter

I did part time job yesterday. The work pIace was so far from my house, and it took 2 hours by car. The part time job wasn't so hard for me. After I went back home, I walked for 30minutes with my daughter. She is 6-month old. Her feeling s…


I joined in work place reunion. In the reunion, I gave a presentation about my job in front of audience which included my boss, and so I got nervous. I thought I gave a good presentation, and my boss evaluated my presentation. I met previo…