Reflections on Balancing Priorities

My wife was irritated about my life style. I had started runnning one month ago, I was too enthuthiastic about running . She felt I think running is more important than her and our child. No kidding! I hadn't thought like that. However, I thought  my recent behavior seemed irritating for her without my willing. I ran every morning at 7am, and I sometimes ran before I take my child for walk. I bought my new running shoes, and aero-bike for running training. I regreted it. Until now, I washed dishes ,or exchange my child's clothes after bath.  I should help her raising our child more.




Here is the corrected version of your text:

My wife was irritated with my lifestyle. I had started running one month ago and had become too enthusiastic about it. She felt that I thought running was more important than her and our child. No kidding! I hadn't thought that way at all. However, I realized that my recent behavior seemed irritating to her without me intending it to be. I ran every morning at 7 a.m., and sometimes I ran before taking our child for a walk. I bought new running shoes and an aero bike for running training. I regretted this. Until now, I had washed the dishes or changed our child's clothes after a bath. I should help her with raising our child more.