Surgical Challenges with Rat Models

The experiment using rats started. Our team has been researching pulomonary hypertention. We use rats, which are like human pulomonary hypertention by medicine or surgery. I  practiced  giving oral medicine, and intubation. Rats are smaller than human, and it was n't easy for me. After that, my senior showed rat surgery, and she hepled me did the surgery. Among the procedure, the most difficlut thing is pulling pulomonary artery. I had to practice more and more. 



The experiment using rats has started. Our team has been researching pulmonary hypertension. We use rats, which we induce to have conditions similar to human pulmonary hypertension through medication or surgery. I practiced administering oral medication and performing intubation, but since rats are smaller than humans, it wasn't easy for me. After that, my senior demonstrated rat surgery and helped me perform the surgery. Among the procedures, the most difficult task was handling the pulmonary artery. I realized I needed to practice much more.