Baby Development: Milestones and Concerns

My daughter turned 8 month old today. In general, 8 month old baby can scrawl. However my daughter doesn't have a sign of scrawling. She can get down on all fours. A baby tries to move toward something attractive to her, but she seems interested in a toy but she gives up getting it easily when she can't reach. My wife was so worried about this situation because she found some a video where 7-8 month old babies can scrawl. I think it's not time to upset. She has her own pace. I would keep watching from afar.



Here is the revised version of your text:

My daughter turned 8 months old today. Generally, 8-month-old babies can crawl. However, my daughter doesn't show any signs of crawling yet. She can get down on all fours, but although she seems interested in toys, she easily gives up trying to reach them if they are out of her reach. My wife is very worried because she found some videos where 7-8-month-old babies are already crawling. I think there's no need to be upset. She has her own pace. I will continue to watch her progress from afar.