Reflections on Balancing Priorities

My wife was irritated about my life style. I had started runnning one month ago, I was too enthuthiastic about running . She felt I think running is more important than her and our child. No kidding! I hadn't thought like that. However, I thought  my recent behavior seemed irritating for her without my willing. I ran every morning at 7am, and I sometimes ran before I take my child for walk. I bought my new running shoes, and aero-bike for running training. I regreted it. Until now, I washed dishes ,or exchange my child's clothes after bath.  I should help her raising our child more.




Here is the corrected version of your text:

My wife was irritated with my lifestyle. I had started running one month ago and had become too enthusiastic about it. She felt that I thought running was more important than her and our child. No kidding! I hadn't thought that way at all. However, I realized that my recent behavior seemed irritating to her without me intending it to be. I ran every morning at 7 a.m., and sometimes I ran before taking our child for a walk. I bought new running shoes and an aero bike for running training. I regretted this. Until now, I had washed the dishes or changed our child's clothes after a bath. I should help her with raising our child more.

Surgical Challenges with Rat Models

The experiment using rats started. Our team has been researching pulomonary hypertention. We use rats, which are like human pulomonary hypertention by medicine or surgery. I  practiced  giving oral medicine, and intubation. Rats are smaller than human, and it was n't easy for me. After that, my senior showed rat surgery, and she hepled me did the surgery. Among the procedure, the most difficlut thing is pulling pulomonary artery. I had to practice more and more. 



The experiment using rats has started. Our team has been researching pulmonary hypertension. We use rats, which we induce to have conditions similar to human pulmonary hypertension through medication or surgery. I practiced administering oral medication and performing intubation, but since rats are smaller than humans, it wasn't easy for me. After that, my senior demonstrated rat surgery and helped me perform the surgery. Among the procedures, the most difficult task was handling the pulmonary artery. I realized I needed to practice much more.

Good weekend

I met my parents last Saturday. My mother got retired last year, and she joined in several hobby meetings from this year. She was into gardening, and climbing moutaion, singing choras , and so on.  On the other hand, my father enjoyed walking. He made it a rule to walk 20000 foots a day. He lost his weight from 81kg to 71kg. His face was slim. I was surprised my father's chage. He had tried losing his weight by reducing his meal, but he didn't success because of his extremely unblanced diet. However, this time he eats balanced meal, and he 's keeping his weight. It's benn a while since I met my parents without my wife. Good weekend! 



I met my parents last Saturday. My mother retired last year, and she joined several hobby groups this year. She got into gardening, mountain climbing, singing in a choir, and so on. On the other hand, my father enjoys walking. He made it a rule to walk 20,000 steps a day. He lost weight from 81 kg to 71 kg. His face was slimmer. I was surprised by my father's change. He had tried losing weight by reducing his meals, but he didn't succeed because of his extremely unbalanced diet. However, this time he eats balanced meals and is keeping his weight down. It's been a while since I met my parents without my wife. It was a good weekend!

Gratitude for Maternal Support

My wife and I  went out  without our daughter. My mother in law came over to help taking care of my daughter, and she watched my daughter while we  were going.  It has benn for a long time since we went together.  I felt a strange without my daughter because we had been  always getting along with my daughter. We ate sushi lunch, and buy some stuff for tomorrow's dinner. It tooke 2 hours to go out, but we felt that it is a short time. We appriciate my mother in law for her deed.



My wife and I went out without our daughter. My mother-in-law came over to help take care of our daughter, and she watched her while we were gone. It had been a long time since we went out together. I felt strange without my daughter because we had always spent time together as a family. We ate sushi for lunch and bought some items for tomorrow's dinner. It took us 2 hours to go out, but it felt like a short time. We appreciate my mother-in-law for her help.

Enjoyable Running Experience at a Famous Park

I ran for 10km at a park, which is famous for jogging. This park is used for an international marathon game. There is a 2km running road at this park. The running road is very comfortable for running because the road is wide and made up of rubber, this makes damage to my leg reduced.  Many people are running, and this makes me cheer up. Recently, my knee  is in good condition, and I enjoyed running today.    



I ran 10 kilometers at a park that is famous for jogging. This park is used for international marathon events. There is a 2-kilometer running track in the park. The track is very comfortable for running because it is wide and made of rubber, which reduces the impact on my legs. Many people were running, and their presence cheered me up. Recently, my knee has been in good condition, and I enjoyed running today.

Heat and Running: A Springtime Challenge

My knee is in good condition. I restrated to run 3days ago,  my knee doesn't get hurt. I carefully take care of my body by stretching and training my muscles. The distance I ran is  getting longer day by day.  It is spring season ,but  it is hot even at 7:00 am. The hotter it gets, the harder running gets.  Two weeks ago, I got heatstroke mildly by running.  I got very exhausted by heatstroke. I have to wear my cap and  have some water.



My knee is in good condition. I restarted running three days ago, and my knee doesn’t hurt. I carefully take care of my body by stretching and training my muscles. The distance I run is getting longer day by day. It is spring, but it’s already hot even at 7:00 am. The hotter it gets, the harder running becomes. Two weeks ago, I had a mild case of heatstroke from running. I was very exhausted from the heatstroke. I need to wear my cap and stay hydrated

Struggle for Wakefulness: Battling Sleep Deprivation

I was very sleepy today. Yesterday I had a night shift last night. I didn't sleep at all, and so I kept drowsy  all day. I almost fell asleep, and  I tried  not to fall asleep  during today's meeting. I made many little mistakes during my work. My work didn't  proceed at all.  I shout  cureses every time I made mistakes. I recognized the importance of sleep. Today, I would go to bed early.



I was very sleepy today. I had a night shift yesterday and didn’t sleep at all, so I was drowsy all day. I almost fell asleep during today’s meeting and tried hard to stay awake. I made many small mistakes at work, and my tasks didn't progress at all. I cursed every time I made a mistake. I realized the importance of sleep. Tonight, I'm going to bed early